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      Actor for life

      Startdato: Tirsdag d. 4. december 2018
      Varighed: 2½ time
      Pris: Gratis
      Tilmeldingen til holdet er udløbet
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      Actor for life

      Over time, each of us constructs an internal map of reality. We navigate the world using this mental map. We adhere to the map’s boundaries that say what’s possible in our lives (even when reality is more expansive than our internal map is.)

      As we build self-awareness and other mental skills, we can literally change our map of the world. We can expand our sense of what’s possible and re-define what fulfillment in life means to us. The session uses acting as a metaphor for living a self-actualized life.

      The book Actor for Life: How to have an amazing career without all the drama was written for actors, but the concepts and exercises speak to the internal challenges that accompany all walks of life, things like self-doubt, motivation, and procrastination.

      If I say Danish to anyone who knows architecture or art, they think “design.” You are surrounded by examples of good design, things that are beautiful and functional. A life can be like that. This evening, you’ll spend time seeing yourself as an artist, an actor in your own life. Shakespeare said it this way: All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts…

      It’s getting toward the end of the year. It’s a perfect time to give yourself space to think, and to start experimenting with how to design a life that pleases you even more than it does now.


      Kom og mød Jan Elfline, International coach og forfatter

      Jan holder foredraget til åbent arrangement tirsdag den 4. december kl. 17.00 – 19.30.

      Alle er velkomne – dog begrænset antal pladser så husk at tilmelde dig